Writing Tips

What Are the Top 3 Biggest Mistakes a New Writer Can Make?

What Are the Top 3 Biggest Mistakes a New Writer Can Make?

October 19, 2024

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First off, let me just say—you’re amazing for diving into the world of writing. Whether you’re dreaming of penning the next great love story, sharing your faith journey, or crafting a page-turning adventure, the fact that you’re here means you’re ready to make it happen. But let’s be real—starting something new can feel a little intimidating, right? 

We’ve all been there. So, to make your writing journey smoother, let’s chat about the top three biggest mistakes new writers often make (and how to avoid them!). Ready to jump in?

1. Overthinking Instead of Writing

Here’s a little secret that most writers don’t like to talk about. Even seasoned writers have moments when they stare at the blinking cursor, paralyzed by thoughts like, “Is this idea really going to resonate with anyone but me?” or “What if everyone absolutely hates my book?” It’s easy to get stuck in your head, questioning every word, every sentence, every idea. But here’s the deal—you’ll never know how great your story can be if you don’t actually write it.

The biggest trap for new writers is overthinking their way into inaction. You might spend hours researching, outlining, or even daydreaming about your story, but none of that matters if you don’t put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). What matters is completing your story, or no one will ever be able to have an opinion–good, bad, or indifferent if it’s not done.

How to avoid it? Give yourself permission to write messy first drafts. Remember, your first draft doesn’t have to be perfect—it just needs to exist. You can always revise and refine later. For now, just get the words flowing!

2. Comparing Yourself to Other Writers

Oh, the sweet comparison trap—it’s a sneaky one, isn’t it? You read someone else’s book or see a fellow author’s glowing reviews, and suddenly, your own writing feels like those silly little notes you used to pass in your elementary school classroom. You think, “I could never write like that author.” But here’s the thing: you’re not supposed to. You have your own unique voice, your own story to tell, and your own path to walk.

When new writers start comparing themselves to others, they often lose sight of their own creativity and get discouraged. Remember that every author—yes, even the best-selling ones—started exactly where you are right now. The only writer you should compare yourself to is the writer you were yesterday.

How to avoid it? Celebrate your progress. Every word you write, every chapter you finish, is a step forward on your journey. And if you need a little reminder, keep this mantra in your back pocket: “My story, my journey, my pace.”

3. Not Seeking Feedback Early On

Let’s face it—putting your work out there for others to see can feel a little scary. What if they don’t like it? What if they think it’s not good enough? But here’s the deal, feedback is one of the most valuable tools you can have as a new writer.

Too often, writers wait until they’ve finished their entire book before they seek any input, only to realize they’ve gone in the wrong direction or missed an opportunity to strengthen their plot or characters. Getting early feedback can help you spot issues you might not have noticed and give you the clarity to move forward with confidence.

How to avoid it? Find a trusted group of beta readers, a writing group, or even a writing coach who can offer constructive feedback along the way. At Faith Revolution Creative, we love working with new writers, offering guidance that helps them grow their skills and polish their stories.

Starting out as a new writer is an exciting and rewarding journey, but avoiding these common mistakes can make the process even more fulfilling. Keep writing, stay focused on your own path, and remember that every story starts with that first word on the page–so go for it! Let those words jump on the page.

Ready to take the next step in your writing journey? Whether you’re just starting or you’re stuck in the messy middle, we’re here to help. Reach out to Faith Revolution Creative today—we can’t wait to see your story come to life!

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